Lizenzhinweise Dritter


Bibliothek Version Copyright-Inhaber
D3.js 6.7.0 Mike Bostock
PHPUnit 9.5.10 Sebastian Bergmann
Twig 3.3.2 Fabien Potencier

CC-BY 4.0

Bibliothek Version Copyright-Inhaber
Twemoji 13.1.0 Twitter, Inc.

Custom 'No Charge' License

Bibliothek Version Copyright-Inhaber
GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) 3.7.1 GreenSock, Inc.


Bibliothek Version Copyright-Inhaber
jQuery 3.6.0 JS Foundation and other contributors
Backbone.js 1.4.0 Jeremy Ashkenas and DocumentCloud
Underscore.js 1.9.1 Jeremy Ashkenas and DocumentCloud
AngularJS 1.8.2 Google LLC
Monolog 2.3.5 Jordi Boggiano
Guzzle 7.4.0 Michael Dowling
Composer 2.1.9 Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano
Symfony 5.3.10 Fabien Potencier
React 17.0.2 Facebook, Inc.
Chart.js 3.5.1 Chart.js Contributors
Moment.js 2.29.1 Moment.js Contributors
Vue.js 2.6.14 Evan You
Axios 0.21.1 Matt Zabriskie
Lodash 4.17.21 John-David Dalton
Bootstrap 5.1.3 Twitter, Inc.
Animate.css 4.1.1 Daniel Eden
Slick Carousel 1.8.1 Ken Wheeler
Swiper 6.8.4 Vladimir Kharlampidi
Isotope 3.0.6 David DeSandro
AOS (Animate on Scroll) 2.3.4 Michał Sajnóg
Sodium_Compat 1.17.0 Scott Arciszewski
Random_Compat 9.99.100 Paragon Initiative Enterprises


Bibliothek Version Copyright-Inhaber
PiwikTracker 3.0.0 Matomo Team


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PHPExcel 1.8.2 PHPExcel Developers


Bibliothek Version Copyright-Inhaber
TCPDF 6.4.2 Nicola Asuni


Bibliothek Version Copyright-Inhaber
FontAwesome 5.15.4 Fonticons, Inc.


Bibliothek Version Copyright-Inhaber
Requests 2.0.0 Ryan McCue and contributors